Life Groups

  • What are Life groups?

    At Long Avenue Baptist Church, Life Groups serve a weekly opportunity to foster meaningful connections and spiritual growth with brothers and sisters in Christ. Each Life Group’s rhythm is unique, but in each group you can expect some good food, to build meaningful relationships and for your faith in Christ’s love and goodness to deepen.

  • Locations and Dates

    These groups meet on varying schedules and locations, so please contact a Life Group leader to find out when and where they meet next.

    Matt and Robin Godwin 229.977.6731 201 St. Joseph Drive, PSJ

    Michael and Ashley Mize 850.227.5713

    Eli and Shanna Prine 850.408.0519 2006 Juniper Ave, PSJ

    Tommy and Diane Pitts 850.899.5240 1908 Forest Park Ave, PSJ

    Derek and Gina Tracy 850.340.1040 504 17th Street, PSK