Baby Dedication
Hannah brought Samuel to Shiloh (1 Sam 1:24-28), Mary and Joseph presented Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:22-24), Jesus blessed the children (Mark 10:13-16, Matt 19:13-15, Luke 18:15-17); instructions in various epistles, such as Ephesian 6:1-4, exhort believing parents to bring up their children in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Baby dedications are an opportunity to give thanks for the child, recognize the responsibility of the parents to raise their child in the way of the Lord, point to what God has done in creation and redemption, and what God will do through the spiritual influence of the family and church.
We dedicate the child to the Lord, asking that they would grow to know and live for God. We dedicate the parents to the Lord, asking for wisdom, understanding, knowledge and ability to raise their child.
If you wish to speak to a pastor about baby dedication, please fill out the form below.